Monday, January 08, 2007


A while ago I was tagged by Charlotte, Marianne & Mandy.
It took me while to come up with the answers but here it is;

A - Available or single: Married
B - Best Friend: Me
C - Cake or Pie:Cake
D - Drink of choice: Champagne
E - Essential Item you use everyday: Mascara
F - Favorite color: Red
G - Gummy Bears or worms: Gummy Bears
H - Hometown: Amsterdam
I - Indulgence: buying REALLY expensive shoes/bags/underwear/make-up
J - January or February: January
K - Kids & Names: Nutella & Tinus; my cats
L - Life is Incomplete Without: Michiel, books, music, cats
M - Marriage Date: May 9, 2005
N - Number of Siblings: 2 older sisters; Muriel & Juliette
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: dying in a car accident ALONE
Q - Fav Quote: “Everything will be OK” (Juliette)
R - Reason to Smile: Seeing / Reading / Doing / Eating / Smelling something that makes me feel all warm and tingly inside
S - Season: Spring
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Malou & Nicole
U - Unknown Fact about Me: The prints on the toilet paper must be facing me, instead of facing the wall.
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: Green Peas
W - Worst Habit: I am ALWAYS right :)
X - Xrays: Not as xciting as stingrays
Y - Your Fave Food: Sushi
Z - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn


Charlotte said...

Hihihi, next time I visit you, I will be turning your toiletpaper! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, you just intensified MY carphobia... lol...
I love that quote BTW!

Nathalie Kalbach said...

LOL- love this! BTW - I'm always right too ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Daphne... love reading the asnwers to tagged questions :) Great Dare this week too, thanks for the inspiration xx