Marbling with Shaving Cream.
Products I used:
- Shaving Cream (the foam...not the gel)
- Acrylic Paints
- Alcohol Inks (Ranger)
- Liquid Watercolour ( Ecoline )
- Watercolour paper or any other thick paper, I guess Bazill will do the trick too.
- Fork
- Glass bowl I normally use to make a Quiche Lorraine
- Thick piece of cardboard or a putty knife
- Toothpicks

When you are done adding colours, you can start stirring the colours with a toothpick, a fork or whatever into a nice design that you like.
Softly layer your piece of paper on top of the foam.

With your thick piece of cardboard scrape / putty knife of the remains of the shaving cream and.... TAD DAH!
It dries really fast. And you can use the foam again..
I made up to 4 cards with 1 bowl of shaving foam before the colours started to get too mixed up. One advice: try this technique in the kitchen

Also be sure to buy some nice smelling shaving foam...I now have a stack of cards that smell really awful - LOL!
What worked best for me were the liquid watercolours; they are easy to mix and the colours are really bright! You can also use the shaving foam longer than with the acrylic paints; they tend to get messy really soon.
Maybe liquid acrylic paints work better for this technique.
The Alcohol Inks are really beautiful too and also easy to mix.
Have fun trying this technique and make sure to check out Nat's blog as well and to share your try with us. On her blog you can also see step by step photo's and she used some different materials than me :).
Oh wow those Ecoline turned out so awesomely!!! i wanna try this too - LOL!
sooo cool!! i MUST try to play with this *sludge* :))
Looks like great fun Daphne !
Awesome,looks really really cool.Not sure if i'm good in using inkt and stuff hmmm
Like them all, but love the pattern and the colors on the ecoline one!! Wonder if it will work with silk paint hhhhmmmmm....
It just looks great!! Thanks!
OMG sweetie... this is so awesome! Love the one with the alcohol ink!!!
This looks so great ! Thanks for sharing !
Love your technique!!! Saw it on Nat's blog and are defenatly going to try it :-D
The effects are amazing - love the one with the alcohol inks especially (purple/green) ... stunning :)
Mooi! Love those colorsplashes, they just make you happy looking at them.
You achieved such gorgeous results. I will have to try this technique.
Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate knowing new art techniques. Thanks again!
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