It's raining.
It's weekend.
It's the perfect time for another experiment from Studio DaphNat!
The ingredients for this week:
- canvas / canvas paper
- acrylic paint; 2 or 3 colours
- water
- brushes
- Dishwasher Rinse Aid
- Paper towels
- Heat Gun
With these products we tried the RINSE AID RESIST technique, as explained in the 2nd book of Claudine Hellmuth.
What to do?
1) Add a layer of really thinned paint to your canvas(paper).
I sprayed my canvas with the spray I use for my plants so that is was very wet so the paint was really thin when you brush it on the canvas.
Then hold up your canvas and drop the rinse aid right out from the bottle onto the background.
It will run down and create some nice looking streakes.
2) WAIT until this layer is completely dry (I write it capitals because it is important and I made a mistake here LOL, which was to be expected if you are as impatient as I am ;).
3) Get a damp paper towel and rub over your canvas. At this moment you SHOULD be able to see the space where the surface resisted the paint because of the rinse aid.
4) When you are done rubbing off all of the excess paint, add a second colour by repeating step 1-3.
In the end this is the result:
Both Nat and I were a bit dissapointed about our results, which speaking for me only had to do with:
2)the colours I chose
3)expectations: I expected more contrast between the colours I used.
If you want to try this technique as well please keep the following in mind:
- Take your time. And work on some other project on the same time as well; this means leavind enough space open on your worktable instead of having to move wet papers.
- Choose 2 good contrasting colours; keep in mind that colours are a lot lighter when they are thinned with water.
- Try different brands of Rinse Aid; I didn't do this but it wouldn't surprise if one brand is better for this technique than the other one.
- Do not try this technique with Ecoline (liquid watercolours): it just doesn't work.
- Wear an apron.
- If you plan to use this technique over an existing collage, make sure you seal the papers with (Golden) gel medium.
- You can add a third colour as well.. at least I did :)
For the rest... GO AND EXPERIMENT!
Don't forget to stop by at Nat's blog as well to have a look at her results :)
i think your results are much better than mine though! Oh and by the way- I had an apron and the results there are very good - bahahaha!
the result is fantastic!! want to see more of your experiments!!
have a nice sunday!! :)
Gaaf effect! ga ik ook eens proberen!
Thanks for trying, sharing and showing!
Hey, just read about this technique in C.H's book! Have to try this for myself sometimes. :)
Can't wait to see your next project!
He, he, love those rainy days as it is doing here in San Francisco right now. I really love the colors you have used and I think you had some beautiful results, daphne!
This looks so cool!Great job again :D
Wow gaaf Daphne!!! Vind het ook altijd super om dingen uit te proberen, maar je weet het van me, TIJD!!!!
gr Nicole
Thanx sooo much for this technique. I know what I'll be doing this afternoon :-)) Question: where did you get the book Visual Chronicals?
Tsss.. Bol, dat ik daar dan niet op kom. Had hem alleen op Amazon gevonden, maar dat duurt me te lang. Bedankt iig voor je snelle antwoord en ja, je had de goeie Elwira te pakken :-) Denk ook niet dat er sowieso veel Elwiraas zijn. Hahaha, die mams van mij heeft er lang over nagedacht :-DDD
love to see your experiments D ! Can't wait to see how you finish it off !
Nice brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
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