The prompt for # 10 was: "A note to self"....mine is quite long..... Luckily it is only a small card or the note would be a lot longer

The prompt for card #11 was "your initial". At first I was making a list of words beginning with a D;
But then I decided to choose a somewhat more positive direction and ripped out the word "dream" of the dictionary and glued it to the back, stamping my name all over it.
ohhhh i love your cards SO MUCH! thankyou for sharing!
Again honey, your cards rock! :)
Awesome cards, Sweetie!!! And I love your idea with the dream page!!!!
GREAT CARDS Daphne... Love your work...
Fantastic cards :)
this is wonderful!! :)) have a nice day!!
These are cool!Love the stamping
Love your note to self card!! How true... should put these words up here somewhere LOL!
oh I am so behind and jealous of your fab cards ....
I think this is one of my fave so far from the cards you have made, very cool! Thanks for the email, hun!
The cards are lovely! It's always so much harder to be positive, isn't it? I'm glad you chose dream...it is a terrific word that starts with 'D' :)
Love em babe!! The colors and the techniques. I think you did good choosing the positive one LOL! So fun you change the back of the cards every month, very cool idea...
Very cool cards. I used the same "note to self" tag! I like the definition as well.
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