Here are my cards for the month of May....
On #18, with the prompt "nature", I used a BamPop bird and a piece of the crinckle plastic technique, Nat and I tried last March.
On card #19 I described my hate for suprise party's, so don't ever throw me one!!!
The prompt for that week was "suprise".
The next card, #20, is the first card I made about my pregnancy. I was 10 weeks and some days pregnant at the time. The prompt was "change" and I described how you can already feel your body changing, but you cannot see anything yet on the outside!
The last card is about my word for 2007 (remember this layout?. Emily used the prompt "qualities you aspire"... Well... I am working on it ever since :-).

Love them all- mostly the patience one- are you yelling at the last patience :-)
Sjeesh woman, every time you update i'm expecting to see "someone arriiiiiived". Heck still not LOL. I bet you'd love to write that yourself too ;) Your cards are very cool and artsy again!
Great cards sweetie! :)
Great card you make. especially the one with the Bampop bird.
congrads with your pregnancy.
XO Simone
Love your cards!
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