Sunday, August 05, 2007

Studio Daphnat # 7 - Chipboard Weaving Technique

It has been a while...since the last Studio DaphNat technique. Of course all this time that I was lying on the couch I had enough time to think of new technique Nat and I could try.
Going through all my scrap-books (I mean books about scrapbooking and creative techniques :-)..).
In a book set from Creating Keepsakes I found this chipboard weaving technique which looked really cool.

What you need for this technique:
- Chipboard
- Gesso
- Paint
- Items to make a structure in the wet gesso.

What to do:
Cut strips of chipboard in desired size, so you can weave them later on, when you are done painting etc.
Add a medium thick layer of gesso to your strips of chipboard and before it dries, make a structure in it with whatever item you choose. This can be a stamp or the back of a pencil or anything you can use to structure the still wet gesso.
If you are using a stamp, clean it immediately with water!! Don't wait or your stamp will be ruined for eternity!

Wait for the gesso to dry and then add paint to your chipboard design, rubbing it in with a babywipe (gives cool effects because of the oil) or a paper napkin.

When the paintlayer is dry you can start weaving!

I was really surprised at how quick you can make a fantastic background like this.
You should definitely try this done!
Now check out Nat's design! Have fun!


Nathalie Kalbach said...

I love the textures on yours - awesome result and love that you used again different materials :-)

Nathalie Kalbach said...
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FauveDesign said...

wow such a cool technique,i still have to find out what that Gesso is and where i can find it.But when i do i def.going to try this!

Jolanda said...

Wat maak je toch altijd weer bijzondere dingen. Ik kijk vaak even op je blog maar laat niet vaak een berichtje achter.....
Omdat je altijd verschillende dingen maakt, hoop ik dat je ook kaartjes maakt want ik heb je getagged, kijk maar even op mijn blog. Ik hoop dat je meedoet.

Anonymous said...

Kewl! Looks like quite some effort, have to try it some time soon... Oh and when i saw the previous post (the card) i am amazed at you you manage to give the TI a whole new effect with your inkskills!

D@nielle said...

looks fab sweetie as usual !

Emine_Pala_Art said...

he sweetie

thanks for sharing this...
I really want to learn a lot of gesso techniques


Nicole said...

Looks really cool...

gr Nicole