I am soooo busy doing nothing most of the time...just lying on the couch with my big belly and boobies.... getting up now and then to make myself a cup of tea or get some snacks from the kitchen :-).
But when I was not busy being a lazy pregnant woman, I have been busy negotiating about the price of a house we want to buy... but after 1,5 week we have been overbid by another buyer...or so the real estate guy tells us. Well... a lot of trouble and time for nothing. On to the next house.
Last week I was sick for great part of the week; a combination of a heavy cold and a really bad toothache! So I was stuck in my bed for 3 days and after that a few days of recovering. The bad thing about being pregnant is that they can't make any xray pictures at the dentist to see what is the problem and you are not allowed to take any aspirin; the only painkiller that really works for me. Luckily I feel better now!
Anyway....no time for scrapping lately, nor any creative feeling that forces me to go up to my scraproom and create some layouts... I feel like this baby is sucking all the creativity from me!
I will do my very best to do some scrapping in this week; I have to finish the latest Dutch Dare (which will be posted tomorrow). The topic this time is hilarious so take a look tomorrow on the Dutch Dare blog
Also expect a new technique from STUDIO DAPHNAT in the near future (yes dear Nat, I will email you asap :-)!)
Whoooohoooo what a big belly!! He or she is growing fast!
Wish you good luck with your next house-to-be!
Sad to hear you have not been feeling well... What a shame about the house, hope you weren't decorating it in your mind already.
Hope you feel more creative soon, the baby must be using your creative genes now LOL.
Can't wait to see your take at the dare... and of course the newest DaphNat tecqnique.
Wow, your belly is really coming along!! Hope you will start to feel better soon girl... (But don't let us wait too long on your hair-layout ;-)
Woohoo... your belly (ánd boobies ;)) looks great!!! I see that Nu and Ti love to look at your belly, too! ;) Bet they can't wait to meet their little brother/sister!
Very curious what the next technique for Daphnat will be...
you look cute with your belly ;-) Too bad about the house! I can't wait to get your email! Huge hugs my friend!
Aaaahhh! Great picture!
OMG,look at that beautiful belly of yours!!! Love your picture, girl and am so glad that you are posting again!! I really did miss you and I don't know if you got my email from before? I think it has been 3 weeks since I last sent to you. My bday is august 17, we will be going to hearst castle will post picture from those. Love you girl!
Honey you look so beautiful!Really i mean stunning :D How far are you?
I know exactly what you mean by "its sucking all of my creativity from me" i have had that too!
i'm sorry to read this all!! don't worry about the house thing!! this shouldn't been yours!! you will find a better one!! and you're looking soo great!! hugs
wow well I can see all the sleeping/resting is doing you good, all the energy is going to the big belly & boobies LOL. Too bad the house fell through ......
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