Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dutch Dare inspiration...

.... found in the sixties..

Check out the Dutch Dare blog tomorrow to see my first lo in weeks :-)


Anonymous said...

You layout rocks allright and i sent you an email about it, and i am VEEEEEEEEEERY curious about the answer.......

Anonymous said...

OMG, things have been confirmed......... I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats sweetie!!!!!!

D@nielle said...

haha love your presentation of the arrival !

Monique said...

Ik heb je gemaild!!!!! ;)

Charlotte said...

Woohoo... finally you revealed your 'secret'! I'm sooooo happy for you and Mi (but I guess you knew that already... ;)).

x Charlotte

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!! Girl, I am so Happy for you!!!! Finally, your wish came true!!!! I am darn excited!!!

Fauve Design said...

AHHHHHHHHHH GIRLY!!!I am so excited for you!!!Woohoo

Nathalie Kalbach said...

Finally you can say it - yeeaaaah! You know I'm happy beyond everything - I give you a huuuuuuugeee hug!!!!

Mirjam said...

Duurde even voor ik het begreep...
GEFELICITEERD MEID! Da's nou eens GOED nieuws!

Anonymous said...

Hiya babe - I finally got to sscrap a Dare... and totally enjoyed being inspired by your gorgeous LO's - and you know I have shares in transparencies LOL - thanks hun

Mika said...

I'm very happy to see that you like the doors! Also love the Killers? See my blog (also for some art and stuff)www.mikascrap.typepad.com

Angelique said...

I'm back from holiday and today I dicovered your HAPPY NEWS ! So great ! Hope you're feeling well !

Fauve Design said...

Hey girl,how are you feeling??

Nicole said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I thought I had left a comment, but no....so love your dare with the big news and I love the Doors... I hope you feel a little bit better at this moment...

Big hugs Nicole

Emine_Pala_Art said...

Hi sweetie

How are you girl?? is everything okay? Missed your blogging...

your layout is WAY TOOO awesome
