Taking sewing lessons is one thing...but before you know it..you find yourself scanning the web for hours for (free) sewing patterns and, worse, online fabric shops!
I have already ordered a few yard at Buy Fabrics Online, a webshop totally dedicated to the amazing prints of Alexander Henry Fabrics. Fast service and although the cotton is not really high (thick) quality, the cool prints make up for that!
I want to order some fabric at Reprodepot. Take a look and see the cuteness of all those japanese prints! aarrhghghghgh....
My advice for shopping here: don't forget NOT to look at the prices...just order and don't look at your creditcard receipt.
I tell myself everytime that instead of hoarding yards and yards of fabric I MUST actually make stuff with it before ordering some more.
Am trying here not to make the same mistake as I did with scrapbookpaper..
hoarding sucks! I have soooo much scrapbookpaper... I will never finish it!
Anyone recognize the problem?